Italian navy war thunder
Italian navy war thunder

italian navy war thunder italian navy war thunder

Overall Germany or America would be far better choices. Japanese cruisers are better and are some of the best in the game, at least for the Mogami's, and imo the Agano is the best looking ship. Then there's the Akizuki which, despite the monstrous firing rate of its guns, does worse damage than the Yuugumo due to the poor filler in those guns. Today we’re going to talk about the best vehicles available to a certain nation once again this time, it’s all about the Italian Navy The Regia Marina were. Yeah, their torpedoes are excellent, but they're difficult to score a kill with when fights take place at five kilometers and more, though I had the luck to get two kills in a row in a game from a torpedo spread on my Mutsuki once. Japanese destroyers later on have it particularly tough, their guns being one of the worst in the game and easily beaten by the volleys that American and German destroyers can pump out. Italian Navy Was browsing through old fleet news and saw three different Italian naval units being advertised a year and two ago. He overstates a "large part of them" being designed for landing operations when only three of them were, the "Se-Ha" and the Soukou-Tei series, but those are some of the poorest boats around their BRs. Originally posted by roflcopter1515:starting off Japanese get some fairly large guns for the smaller patrol boats and sub chasers, one 75mm HE shell will delete most PT boats if you know how to lead While the Type 96 and Type 98 are both great low-tier autocannons, moreso the Type 96, and the later Vickers 40 mm is even better, as Curst has already said they aren't that special.

Italian navy war thunder